
libtiles.tcl - Tiles Common Framework -

a micro-framework implementing common procedures for geo-tile processing. An extension of slippy map library.

References and credits:

(1) https://wiki.tcl.tk/ (2) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb259689.aspx (3) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames (4) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zoom_levels (5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text (6) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON (7) http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.6/tcllib/math/math_geometry.html

Bugs: it looks that the current implementation of the slippy map library does not take into account sign of lat/lon (all coordinates are positive only). It is fixed by functions tile2geo getEpsilon 0 70 21

tile2quadkey --

Convert tile coordinate (z/x/y) to quadkey. See (2) for details.

Arguments: col x tile coordinate, row y tile coordinate, zl zoom level.

Results: quadkey

quadkey2tile --
Convert quadkey to tile coordinates (z/x/y). See (2) for details.

Arguments: qkey quadkey of tile

Results: "x y zl" returns tile coordinate

tile2geo --
Convert tile coordinates (z/x/y) to lat/long. See (2) for details. Refinement of {::map::slippy tile 2geo} function. Order of input and output has been changes.

Arguments: col x tile coordinate, row y tile coordinate, zl zoom level.

Results: "x y" lat/long coordinates.

See Bugs above. trying to resolve a bug.

geo2tile --
Convert tile lat/long coordinates to tile coordinates. See (2) for details. Refinement of {::map::slippy geo 2tile} function. Order of input and output has been changes.

Arguments: x longitude, y latitude, zl zoom level.

Results: "col row" col and row tile coordinates.

See Bugs above.

getPixelSize --
Get tiles' pixel width in meters.

Arguments: y latitude, zl zoom level.

Results: width (or height) in meters.

getEpsilon --

Get tiles' pixel width in meters.

Arguments: x longitude, y latitude, zl zoom level.

Results: width (or height) in meters.

See (4).

tile2geom --

Arguments: col x tile coordinate, row y tile coordinate, zl zoom level, type (optional, default 0): 0 - EXTENT - extent "Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax", 1 - Tcl LIST - tcl polygon and central point (first and last points are same) {{Xcent Ycent} {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x1 y1}}, 2 - WKT LIST - Tcl list of WKT data (See (5)) - first element is central point, second element is polygon (first and last poins are same), 3 - GEOJSON LIST - GeoJSON data list (first is central point, second is polygon).

Results: "x y" lat/long coordinates.

isIn --

Checks if any tile of one tile list is inside of any tileanother tiles list. Order of tile lists is not taken into account.

Arguments: list_a list of tile quadkeys, list_b list of tile quadkeys, order (optional,bool, default False) if order in important. True means that right need to be inside or equal left.

Results: 0 - false, 1 - true. If a and b equal retuns true.

isTouch --

Checks if any tile of one tile list touches any tileanother tiles list.

Arguments: list_a list of tile quadkeys, list_b list of tile quadkeys,

Results: 0 - false, 1 - true. If a and b equal returns true.

polygonTileIntersect --

cheks if a polygon and a tile are intersected

Arguments: pol - Tcl polygon (see (7)), col row zl - tile coordinates

Results: boolean

getTilesOfPolygon --

returns list of tiles of the intersecting a polygon.

Arguments: pol - Tcl polygon (see (7)), from_zl - from zoom level, to_zl - (optional) if set, all tiles between defined zoom levels will be returned. It has to be bigger than from_zl.

Results: list of tiles

For testing/debugging:

--> https://t1.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/comp/ch/12023022311?mkt=en-US&it=G,BX,L,LA&shading=hill&og=88&n=z&c4w=1 lassign "1095 732 11" col row zl set pol "12.55146 45.65106 12.54358 45.62229 12.57965 45.60649 12.60872 45.62890 12.59541 45.65461"